• event
  • Digital distribution conference

Late Night Show - a digital sales conference

Digital meeting with a difference

The first chords of the band set the mood for a more than successful evening together. The digital late night show takes the feel of live to a new level. The host of the evening laughs into the camera and entertains the participants with his witty and easy-going manner. The participants diligently post pictures on the digital photo wall, vote on the band's song selection, everyone exchanges ideas and creates a wonderful evening together.

At this digital sales conference, a new campaign was presented - for this, of course, an event had to be created that would be remembered! For this digital event, we designed a mix of digital meeting with speakers in the studio and components of a late night show - and it was all livestreamed. For a digital event, a central gathering point for all content is essential: An event platform customized by us united all essential components of the digital event:

From participant management to livestream, chat rooms and a digital photo wall, attendees found everything in one place. During the countdown the band played, surveys could be filled out in parallel, further information and the program of the event were always accessible – this way, even if the participants were not on site, they were always right in the middle of it!

Get in touch with us!

Jesper Götsch
Managing Partner
+49 69 4015073 0

Would you like to turn your brand into an experience with us? Then we're here for you! We stage your brand and bring it to life - through authentic interaction, digital enhancements and valuable moments full of emotion that will be remembered.